Learn This Easy Tool to Quit Self-Sabotaging

Thousands of years ago ancient rishis in India came up with the same conclusion that Socrates came up with centuries later: that the universe, including humans, is made up of energy and not matter. It’s been called chi in ancient Taoism and prana in ancient Ayurveda, but either way, it translates to, “life force”.

But in the 17th century, Newtonian physics, which was widely accepted as conclusive science, said that the whole universe is like a big machine, made of matter and nothing else, therefore so are we. Western Medicine is still stuck in this concept, even though the rest of science has moved onto quantum physics, which says that as you go deeper into an atom, it is revealed that there is nothing there but energy waves.

An atom, the building block of the human body, is like an invisible forcefield which emits waves of electrical energy – it is made up of 99.99% energy and only .01% matter. 

So if you want to have any impact on your experience of this life, you need to learn how to direct this energy, which can be done with your thoughts and the energy you allow in and around your body. In a time when chronic illness is rampant and anxiety is the norm, I think we could all benefit from learning this. Thousands of years ago in Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda, methods were discovered about how to direct this energy to prevent and reverse chronic imbalances – and they didn’t have smartphones or Netflix back then! So it’s all the more important we all are proactive about managing our personal energy not just to stay balanced and happy, but to reach our goals.

I’ve worked with clients in the past who get really pumped up and excited in the beginning of a program because they have a really clear goal and see a path to reaching it, but then once the real work begins, they lose steam. 

When shit gets hard on a detox or another food protocol, and you’re sitting in front of Starbucks, craving your usual zap of stimulants, you’re going to need a “why” to turn your toosh around. 

Your why should be like your mantra – it’s going to be something you need to come back to every day to remind yourself why you’re putting in this work, because trust me, your inner-teenager is going to come out swinging at some point, demanding cheese-fries and diet-coke, and you’ll want to make sure you’re equipped to gently move through it. And to do this, you’ll need a WHY. 

  1. Sit down and think about it. What is the sacrifice you’re currently making? Have you cut out a food like gluten or sugar? Are you trying keto for a while? Are you on a strict protocol to reverse an imbalance? Are you studying for a test or working on a job/college application? Are you on a strict workout regiment?
  2. Once the sacrifice you’re making is clear, then ask yourself. WHY am I doing this? Maybe you’re doing Natural Infertility Solutions and are in preconception mode. Perhaps you’re on a weight-loss or autoimmunity protocol that requires clean eating and regular supplementation. Or maybe you’re working towards the career of your dreams.

I have to use my mantra almost daily. If I’m feeling rebellious and my inner-teenager tells me, “that second cookie is going to taste soooo good,” then I repeat my why: “I eat clean food and exercise regularly so that I can maintain a healthy weight and remain happy, energetic, and focused.” 

Does this work every time? Uh, no, talk to me two days ago after my third cookie. Sometimes my stress eating resurfaces – no one is perfect. But this practice has gotten me through countless detoxes and cleanse protocols that I needed to do to attain the current level of balance that is my new norm (and the new cookies of choice are homemade, organic and paleo, not Otis Spunkmeyer like in the old days, so, ya know, progress). 

Get clear on WHY you’re putting energy into a goal and come back to it when your defiant teenager wants to sabotage your progress.

I set reminders on my phone with my why to turn this into a habit, cause Lawd knows my teenager likes to complain. I keep telling her to go have fun with her friends, but man, she likes to bitch and moan. The more that you can see you why, the more your thoughts will be directed to it, and as a result, the more energy you’ll put towards your goal.

If you have questions about this process, don’t hesitate to reach out here or on Instagram or Facebook.

In vibrant health,

Gratitude for lunch

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” -Albert Einstein

I’ve pondered the concept of gratitude for a few years now. It first started when I realized the truth in what Einstein said. I can either choose to be apathetic or annoyed with life, or I can start to focus on the things that are miracles (big or small). And once I started paying attention to these things it seems like they multiplied. I realized that there’s always something to be grateful for. The sun that gives us warmth and light, having a roof over your head, family, music, chocolate (duh), education, etc. And even in the moments when it feels impossible to be grateful for anything, especially ones like when this hot tea that just spilled all over my clothes!… the magic is still there. The magic is in the person next to me rushing to help me clean up and asking if I’m okay. It’s in the barista who runs to get a mop and gets me a new, fresh tea. It’s community. Right? Even in those dark moments, I promise you, if you can attune and focus your energy to the joy and brilliance of everyday moments, you will feel so much happier for it.

I was reminded of gratitude today when I grabbed lunch at Chaco Canyon in Seattle. It’s a fabulous organic and vegan cafe with super healthy and tasty food. I ordered the Gratitude Bowl which is priced on a sliding scale of $3-11 based on what you feel you can afford. I was reminded of how grateful I am for my life and the path I’ve chosen. And it wouldn’t be a reality if not for mentors and coaches who inspired me to live the life I dreamt of. I leave in 20 days for a 2 month solo trip to Europe. I’ll be working remotely because I decided that traveling the world was what I wanted. There were so many obstacles along the way and people/society leading me to believe that a life like this was a fantasy. But with the help of amazing books and mentors, I know that I can design the life I want. And so can you. I learned to relentlessly focus my energy on the goal (traveling Europe for 2 months while still working as a health coach- aka the dream job) and to surround myself with good vibrations so that I would have MORE energy to focus on my goal. This was huge. Start to notice how the people, media, food, and energies your surround yourself with affect your overall motivation and energy. You know those people who just bring you down? Or how when you watch the news/other violent/depressing/dark media (it’s all the same, isn’t it?) you feel tired or deflated? Or how you feel like you’re in a coma after you kill half a batch of gluten free peanut butter chocolate chip cookies while watching Friends during certain times of the month? (Me neither…)

We are energetic beings, and so the energies and vibrations we surround ourselves with will indeed affect our mood and vitality. Gratitude is one of the best ways to start raising your vibration if you feel depleted. If you’re in an emotional rut or stressful situation, take a moment to take a deep breath (deep, full breaths are how we move energy through our body- you should try it sometime!) and think about what you’re grateful for. Even if just for a few moments or a few minutes, if you do this, I promise you you’ll notice a positive difference in how you feel. If you want to be even more proactive about it, beginning and ending each day with an expression of gratitude will be like medicine to your soul.

You can have the life you’re dreaming of. The energy, the job, the partner, the living situation, health, and purpose are all there waiting for you to reach out and claim them. What you focus on becomes bigger: this is the foundation of manifestation. So focus on the goal with unrelenting attention and energy, and I promise you, it’s yours. Remember what Einstein said?

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

Which way will you choose to live?

In deep gratitude,
